Chilli cheese toast is a quick and delicious Subcontinent snack! Spicy and cheesy….simply yum! It’s a simple, open-faced sandwich with cheese and lots of spicy green chillies. Well, it’s not the healthiest snack out there, but i guess it’s ok to indulge in junk food once in a while 😉.


 Different colored bell peppers and corn were added to make this a little colorful.

This brings back a lot of childhood memories, as back in the day, when pizza delivery was not option in many households in Pakistan, mom would make this version for us :)                           And to be honest, my kids didn't really enjoy this as its almost all vegetables 🤦🏻‍♀️. I guess it's just the idea of having  only vegetables put them off, although they did try it for my sake❤️. On the other hand, me, my mother in law and the whole working staff did enjoy it.

There isn’t any recipe for this as such, these are the quantities I used, so you can use them as mere guidelines. Feel free to add any seasonings, veggies or cheese of your choice  Again this is a great option for iftaar or as a snack. This can be made healthier by using low fat cottage cheese instead.

As this is not my own recipe, but something I stumbled upon, there are some changes that I did make. From the ingredients, you will see they used butter to spread on the bread and toast it slightly, where as I spread wasabi mayonnaise, just because I had it and wanted to use it. Then I directly baked it in the oven with the veggies.


  • 8-10 bread slices
  • 1 cup finely chopped colored bell pepper (I used green)
  • 1 small tin of corn
  • 1 small chopped onion
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1 small tomato finally chopped 
  • 1 green chilli, chopped (use as per desired heat)
  • Pinch of red pepper flakes
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup mozzarella, shredded  (You can use a mix of any cheese)
  • Butter, as required


  1. Mix the chopped bell pepper,  corn, onion, chillies and tomato  in a bowl. Add salt  & oregano. Mix well. Set aside the cheese in another bowl.
  2. Lightly butter the bread slices and toast them on a skillet until light golden brown, transfer to a plate.
  3. Now spread the prepared veggie mix generously all over the toasted bread slice, and top it off with the cheese and sprinkle chilly flakes. Broil in the oven for 2-3 minutes, until the cheese begins to melt, and the bread is nice and toasty. Keep an eye on it, or else it might burn. If you do not have the broil option, then bake at 180 degrees C for 5-10 minutes until the cheese melts. Transfer to a plate, cut into diagonals, serve with sweet chilli sauce/ ketchup. ENJOY. 