
SO I didn’t make the hummus!!! BUT I did plate and style it. A dear friend had highly recommended me to try the hummus from @carrefouruae 
Which she insisted was one of the best she’s had. I decided to try it myself and see if it’s mischef approved ;) and hell yeah it gets my seal of approval ✅ 😋
Now this is the thing; it’s OK to buy store bought things in my opinion. I mean we all do eat out all the time,from fine dining experiences to road side stalls, which in my humble opinion are the BEST!! Chaat from Sind Punjab in Karama,Come on!!!😋😋😋Plus who doesn’t want the convenience once in a while. Yes nothing beats homemade using fresh ingredients, BUT there’s also no harm in trying and experimenting with store bought. How you plate and present it can be a game changer or as my friend called this particular post, “A SHOW STOPPER” ❤️🙏🏻. I want my posts to be as honest and as close to my true self. I also want to share this type of content for women and moms who are trying soooo hard to get through each day and would like to know and use tips(hacks) to make their table more exquisite. 
I plated the hummus in the beautiful dish from @villeroyboch 
Which I believe elevated the whole affair to another level. That’s the key to any dish I believe, because your guest or even family eats First with their eyes. 
This Loaded Hummus can be a great crowd-pleasing appetizer. Serve it with an assortment of pita wedges, pita chips or crackers. Use whatever you have on hand to make it your own, just don’t miss topping it with some extra virgin olive oil. You certainly can load it up with anything, create your own combination of toppings. 
I used fresh and quality ingredients bought from @carrefouruae 
Toppings I used
feta cheese, crumbled
Kalamata olives
Mild green olives
Red and yellow Cherry tomatoes, cut into halves and quarters
fresh parsley
Smoked paprika
Sliced jalapeños
Extra virgin olive oil
