Lava cake (molten chocolate)

Chocolate molten lava cakes… drool! These are such an indulgent treat! Perfect for a special occasion, yet easy enough for every day. You’ll love the deep chocolate flavor and the warm liquid/gooey center!

I mean, what is better than an individual chocolate cake, so light it practically sighs when you put your fork into it? Spilling out a warm liquid center, so deep, dark, and chocolate-y?? 

It’s just so decadent. Sinful. Naughty.

Choose your favorite adjective; I think they all describe these chocolate molten lava cakes so perfectly!

And the best part is, they couldn’t be easier to make! Just a few simple ingredients, stirred together, poured into ramekins, and baked. You can make this recipe in less than a half hour, with stuff you probably already have in your pantry.

These beauties standout amongst the most well known chocolate sweets out there. You're probably going to see it on the menu of an extravagant eatery. In any case, these little chomps of paradise are so natural to make that when you attempt the formula once, you won't probably quit making it

Timing is everything for this recipe!

Aside from needing to be exact with the baking time, this is a pretty forgiving recipe, and it can easily be made ahead. 

Just do everything but the baking, then stash the filled ramekins in the fridge (covered) until an hour or two before you’re ready to serve them.

The unbaked batter will keep in the refrigerator for several days.


175 gms butter 

175 gms good quality chocolate, preferably dark 

3 eggs 

1/2 cup sugar 

1/3 cup flour 

Butter and flour for ramekins 


Melt the chocolate in a double boiler on low flame. Remove and stir in the butter. Incorporate well and keep aside.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and sugar for about 5-7 minutes on high speed till it’s pale and doubles in size. This is the most important step I believe in making the most perfect lave cakes.I would go as far as saying it’s the secret tip!! 

Now stir in the melted chocolate/butter mixture.

Lastly fold in the flour gently and make sure everything is combined well. 

Another important step is to grease and flour the ramekins well!!! This will insure a smooth and easy removal of the lava cake to the plate of serving. 

Pour the batter 3/4 way in the ramekins. It makes about 8 lava cakes if using small size. 

Another tip that I do is, most of the time I prepare these in advance and put fling wrap on top and refrigerate. BUT when you want to bake it, make sure they are at room temperature before putting in the oven. So I’d say take it out an hour before. This step will ensure that the cake cooks evenly and gives the perfect lava centre in the 10 minutes bake time. 

Now bake in a preheated oven at 170*C for not more the 10 MINUTES!! 

Again to reiterate,this is a guide for small ramekins.

Once out of the oven, take an offset spatula and go around the rim of the cake to lossen it a little. Place a plate on top and turn over gently and push or jiggle the ramekin to release the lave cake on to the plate. 

Best served hot with vanilla ice cream.