Fresh corn with crunchy pomegranate, basil and feta … what more could you need to make a great salad? Not much, really. Just a couple tablespoons of good olive oil and you’re done. It’s a simple, fresh and healthy recipe everyone will love. I mean, who doesn’t love corn right?


Make this Salad and enjoy it for dinner along with some grilled chicken or seafood. I ate this salad as a meal, but it’s a perfect side dish that’s satisfying but not too heavy. It would also be great served on top of grilled fish!

This might seem a little strange, but it makes me really happy to come home from the grocery storet loaded down with all sorts of beautiful, fresh produce. And if I find it for a super duper price, well, let’s just say I’m like a kid in a candy store 🤦🏻‍♀️. I don’t know why I just had to say that.

OK BACK TO THE SALAD……It only took me a few minutes to put together (as I used canned corn) … AND I always have a box of peeled pomegranate in my fridge. As I am sure by now you all know my love affair of adding these beautiful little jewels to anything and everything!!
THEN I added the basil and tomatoes and stirred in the bit of feta and TA DA! a gorgeous, crunchy, delicious chopped salad. The tiny bits of feta mixed with the juices from the corn and pomegranate, added a light and delightful texture to the dressing.

It’s the kind of salad I can never get enough of; fresh, vibrantly colored, loaded with flavor. Eating it, makes me feel energetic and healthy. The dressing is light and bright, with just a few ingredients; fresh lime juice, salt and a splash of oil. A pinch of freshly ground black pepper finish it off perfectly. I love simple recipes like this.

EXTRA TIP : If you like a little crunch in your salad, like we do, be sure to pick up a package of corn tortillas. That’s what you’ll use to make the crispy topping for this wonderful salad. Just slice them up, drizzle with a bit of oil and pop the pan in the oven till they’re gloriously golden brown; a perfect complement.


2 cup fresh or canned corn kernels

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

1/3 cup crumbled feta

1 small red onion, finely chopped

5-6 basil, thinly sliced

1/2 cup pomegranate seeds

3 tbsp. olive oil

Juice of 1 lime


Freshly ground black pepper


Toss all ingredients together in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper and serve immediately.


ANOTHER TIP: You can always….ALWAYS add avocado and. make it even more delicious 😍OR EVEN cucumber.

SaladsAmna Tabba2 Comments