Almond, Banana & Passion Fruit Smoothie



Almond, banana & passion fruit smoothie. Enjoy this super easy, vegan, dairy free and delicious smoothie in the summer. 
A great drink to enjoy with the family in RAMADAN TOO!! This year the holy month of Ramadan falls in the summer, making fasting slightly a tough task for Muslims, who abstain from food and drink until sunset.

Fasting in the overpowering Middle Eastern heat can seem like a very daunting task. When Ramadan arrives in the summer the one important thing to do: load up on replenishing drinks after breaking the fast. As the body loses liquids, Muslims need to drink more after Iftar in order to avoid dehydration.

And this smoothie recipe can keep you hydrated as well as give you the nourishment of healthy fats.


  • 2 large ripe bananas
  • 500 ml almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon almond essence ,optional
  • 4 ripe passion fruit


  • Peel the bananas and place in a blender with the almond milk and almond essence (if using).
  • Halve the passion fruit, then scrape most of the pulp into the blender and blitz to combine.
  • Serve in tall glasses, over ice if you like, with the remaining passion fruit pulp spooned over the top.
  • ENJOY!