Spiralized Beet Salad

Spiralized Beet salad....made myself a light lunch with fresh beets made into noodles, tossed with cherry tomatoes and a simple orange vinaigrette and topped with sunflower and pumpkin seeds a wedge of orange...a quick,fun and easy way to eat your veggies.

 I have not always loved beets,  don’t get me wrong, but I guess it was just in my head that its something old ladies eat for joint pains(I know I know🤦🏻‍♀️) or if you're anemic,  only then you should have it as its a known fact Red beetroots have significant amount of iron. Consuming beetroots and drinking beet juice helps in regeneration of red blood cells. Beetroots help in preventing and treating anemia. However, I really wanted to do something different. Enter the spiralizer!!

SO this way of eating beets looked fabulous and obviously my now favorite.

This gadget is the perfect tool for when you need to add some variety to your veggies. I have to admit, I put off spiralizing beets because I was afraid of the mess I’d end up with. If you’ve ever dealt with fresh beets, you know exactly what I’m talking about. I made sure to wear gloves and lined my cutting board heavily with paper towels – it worked well and the mess was minimal!

I was wondering if I’d need to blanch the beet noodles as I’ve never eaten raw beets, but when I tried them I ended up loving them. And that was before I even topped them with anything!

I decided to keep things super simple and toss the beet noodles with a quick orange vinaigrette, fresh cherry tomatoes, and pumpkin seeds . I think goat cheese would be a wonderful addition to this, but I didn’t have any and I really wanted to keep it dairy free. I also think grilled chicken or shrimp would be awesome on top of this. Oh, and avocado. Looks like the possibilities are endless!



  1. 2-4 Beets, peeled and spiralized*
  2. 1 Orange, juiced
  3. 1 Tablespoon White Balsamic Vinegar
  4. 1 Teaspoon Honey
  5. Salt and Pepper, to taste
  6. 2 Tablespoons Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
  7. 1/4 cup cheery Tomatoes cut in half ( I used both red and yellow)
  8. 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds for garnish


  1. Place the beet noodles in a large bowl.
  2. In a small mason jar, combine the orange juice, vinegar, honey, salt, pepper, and olive oil. Shake until well combined. Pour the dressing over the beet noodles.
  3. Add in the tomatoes and pumpkin seeds and toss well. I also garnished on top with a wedge of orange to give a bold statement.  Serve immediately. 

