Ladies and gentlemen, I have yet another recipe for you to try before you die!! Another fine addition to my bucket list of recipes. These magic bars (sometimes called coconut magic bars or even magic cookie bars) are so easy to make that it’s almost funny.

It doesn’t seem like something so TASTY could result from layering a few ingredients in a baking dish. Seriously, these coconut magic bars are like HEAVEN. Can you tell we make a TON of desserts at our home?

Although I must add here I was coerced into making these by my son!! HE could literally eat a whole pan of these bars! I feel like I always have excuses for making them, so why not try a new recipe and take pictures while I’m at it? Are you reading Umer 😬😎. Yes, we( and by we I clearly mean my kids) have our favorites, but I love trying out new ones and adding them into our library of delicious recipes.

Today’s recipe is one that i’ve actually made a few hundred times, and I am just now getting around to blogging about them. They really are truly “magical”.  In fact, one of you did ask me what’s magic about them, to which I I replied….the million calories!!

Also, a few of you have left comments on my Instagram stories telling me that you are familiar with this recipe, but you call them seven layer bars. Leave me a comment below and tell me what you call this tasty treat!


  • ½  cup unsalted butter

  • 380 grams chips ahoy crumbs, approximately 3 cups

  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

  • 1 cup shredded sweetened coconut

  • ¾ cup toffee chips. You can use anything really if you don’t have toffee, no fuss. Tha’ts the best thing, it’s so easy to make swaps. Add butterscotch chips, caramel morsels, or white chocolate chips, or M&M’s candy!

  • 1 ⅔ cups sweetened condensed milk

NOTE : In my opinion, after the cookie butter base layer, its more of a free hand style. You can add as much or little of the “condiments” as you like. Although I would recommend to put muchhhh more 🙃😉.


  1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees.

  2. Crush the cookies and transfer to a bowl; set aside.

  3. Melt the butter in a pan and mix well with the crushed cookies. Put the mix into an 8 x 8 baking pan.

  4. When pressing the crust down into the bottom of the pan, you’re going to want to press it down very firmly. A firmly packed crust will bake up nice and thick, and most importantly, won’t crumble much when sliced. I recommend starting to press the crumbs down in the center of the pan and then working the crust out and just a little bit up the edges.

  5. In layers, alternate the chocolate chips, coconut, and the toffee chips. Evenly pour the sweetened condensed milk over the top. Make 2 layers of this. Bake for 15-20 minutes OR until the coconut is lightly browned. Cool completely before cutting.
