TRUE STORY: in the last few times I’ve been making banana bread, I’ve accumulated about 7-8 egg whites.

So I thought to my self: what could I make that’s relatively healthy, as Ramadan is approaching? I went through the ingredients in my pantry and came up with this. It’s super simple but equally dainty and delicious. A great option for sahoor as, it’s light and filling.

Scrambled Egg Whites is a healthy, fluffy and delicious option for breakfast or for muslims like me all over the old, at this time of the year…for sahoor. Serve it with some toast and fruits on the side.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and we should make sure to get set for the day after a hearty and filling breakfast. It must include something healthy yet must be filling and must have a balance of all the nutrients and on top of it all, must be delicious as well.

This Egg White Scramble served with sour dough bread toast is a perfect example of healthy yet delicious breakfast option and just pair it with some fruits, milk and coffee, and you have a perfectly balanced meal on your plate.

This scramble is special because I added a lot of crumbled feta in it. You can also use fresh greens like Spinach or Basil. The flavour of the moist feta cheese in the eggs is just luscious and makes this dish very palatable. Also, the addition of basil gives a very distinctive flavour to the eggs.


1 tablespoon butter

1 cups fresh basil

8 egg whites

1/2 cup (1 oz) crumbled feta cheese

8-9 slices of sour dough bread ( brushed with oilve oil and toasted on a pan)

salt to taste

sprinkle crushed black pepper and chili flakes (optional)


Heat butter in a non stick frying pan.

The add the egg whites in the pan.

Add salt and keep mixing the whites with a spatula so that they don't form lumps.

Switch off the heat once the whites are 80% done. Add the feta now and gently fold into the scrambled egg white mix. They will cook further with the heat in the pan. lastly mix in the fresh basil.

Serve hot on top of toasted sour dough bread.
