
Looking to throw a fabulous party that will have yours stand out? Are you wondering where to begin? As with any party, planning ahead of time and being meticulous with every small detail is paramount to achieving your desired level of outcome. And in a thriving cosmopolitan city like Dubai, the hurdle is a few more inches higher.


The party is not ALL about food and drinks. Yes it plays a pivotal role, but a lot more goes into a successful party.

For instance, Is it an outdoor party better than an indoor? How do you select the best location to host the party? A buffet or a sit-down ? What entertainment will you provider or IF ANY? These can seem overwhelming at the beginning, but a simple sit-down and planning can save you the hustle and bustle that comes along with it. With these tips 101, am sure you can host an eventful party.

In most cases, parties should be fun. Let every attendee feel welcomed and allowed to enjoy.


It is a no brainer that planning for a party, even a simple home party, can be a stressful task. This, coupled with the seemingly failed previous parties evidenced by some poor feedback…..because lets face it, we all have that one person at the party :), who can lower the morale for hosting a party. But here are some small guide tips for hosting successful parties that will leave you confident enough to keep on hosting.

1. Plan your Budget

Even before you get to “the who”, “the where”, and “the how”, you need to plan the "how much." Your party's success rate will greatly depend on how this factor will be well-planned. In any case, the budget should be sufficient enough, not to throw you off your financial feet, while still giving a classic party that will leave a good impression with everyone.


Dubai is a world metropolitan. With produce from all over the world, the prices of items can be overwhelming. It is, therefore best to plan ahead your menu to keep track of the grocery items on your list.

There are also costs involved with the perhaps hiring of extra help, costs to do with beverages, entertainment, décor, and a whole lot of other hidden fees.

2. Food and Beverages

Food and beverages almost always take the center stage with any party. They're usually the most memorable item in parties and can either make or break the success of the party.


The food served must take into consideration the dietary restriction of some people. If the meal involves meat, consider adding a vegetarian o portion to the serving. You do not want anyone leaving the party hungry or feeling left out.

A filling and satisfying meal should then be concluded with a savory, sweet, decadent dessert to leave a long-lasting impression of the party. Similar to the meals, also provide options for the guests to choose from, especially those who watch their diets carefully. The selection can include desserts that are gluten free and other people with dietary requirements.


When it comes to drinks, consider fresh juices and soft drinks. Beverages can also be provided to cater for various groups of people: caffeinated, non-caffeinated; hot, cold.. It is also nice to sometimes have a signature drink in the party like a specially prepared refreshment. This can be a mocktail like a mojito or a Pina colada.

UAE is known for its warm temperature. While tea and coffee are among the favourites to most people, cold beverages will work best especially if the party is held outdoors or hosted during the day. You could have soft drinks, fresh juices and smoothies to give that refreshing aspect to the meal.

While looking to ensure an optimal budget, you must ensure that the food is enough for all the invited guests because this will only encourage negative reviews and feedback. This will also display your lack of proper planning and organization. To avoid this from happening, confirm the attendees before the big event so you have the approximate number of people who will be attending.

3. Presentation and Decorations

It is said that sight ingrains in us unforgettable memories. It is the décor that will first strike the sight of attendees when they come to the party. This should be painstakingly prepared and applied. Refrain from overdoing it. Bright colours lighten the mood while dark colors give the party a somber one.


From food presentation to seating arrangement, the level of organisation should be visible and almost tactile. Let the attendees feel a sense of perfection and order. Let there be enough space to move about, and pathways leading to various dishes.

4. Entertainment

It's not a party unless it's fun.

FUN doens’t necessarily have to be engaging entertainment options such as music or games. There are many more ways and options to reduce anxiety and lighten the atmosphere. Give a warm greeting.

It might sound like a no-brainer, but the reality is that it’s easy to get caught up in a variety of hostess tasks once that doorbell starts ringing. So, when someone arrives, make a point to greet them warmly. “Greet them with all of your heart” “Say, ‘Hi, hello, how are you? Thank you for coming.” Make quick introductions.


Since you can’t spend the party attached to one person, encourage your guest to mingle with the other people there.Doing these things will help your guests feel as if they belong, which any good hostess knows is a crucial part of successful entertaining. Even as other home-related trends come and go, being a gracious host is truly a timeless art.

“The idea that you’re making someone feel comfortable in your home will never go out of style”
